## Codere Online Debuts in Buenos Aires, Strengthening its Footprint in Argentina

Codere Online has commenced operations in Buenos Aires, signifying a crucial milestone for the company’s expansion within the Argentine market.

After obtaining a five-year permit from the municipal regulatory body, Lotería de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (LoTBA), Codere is now providing its digital gaming and sports wagering offerings through codere.bet.ar. This action enhances Codere Group’s established presence in Argentina, where it has been active since 1992 and cultivated a robust brand with 13 bingo establishments, mainly situated in the Buenos Aires Province.

The licensing accord mandates a 10% levy on gross gaming proceeds generated by Codere, which will be gathered by LoTBA. Individuals aged 18 and older residing within the city can utilize Codere’s online platform through desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Moshe Edree, Chief Executive of Codere Online, highlighted the significance of this launch, remarking that it “constitutes a substantial stride in our corporate roadmap and bolsters Codere Group’s approach in Argentina.”

Codere’s involvement in Argentina dates back to 1992 when it inaugurated its initial bingo hall in Buenos Aires, subsequently integrating slot machines in the late 1990s. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the company possessed 6,861 slot machines and 11,692 bingo positions across its 13 locations in the province. Although the pandemic necessitated temporary shutdowns, Codere’s gaming facilities in Buenos Aires received authorization to recommence operations on December 14, 2020.

Codere Online operates in five nations: Spain, Italy, Mexico, Colombia, and Panama.

Author of this blog

By Grace "Gypsy" Campbell

This versatile author holds a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics and a Bachelor's in Environmental Science. They have a strong foundation in mathematical modeling, sustainability analysis, and environmental impact assessment, which they apply to the study of the environmental footprint of casino operations and the strategies used to promote sustainable gambling practices. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a unique perspective on the role of casinos in promoting environmental sustainability and the strategies used to reduce waste, conserve resources, and mitigate climate impact.

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